Thursday, January 03, 2008

New photos!

Very serious about scaling dad's legs.

At least once a day, Helen crawls over to visit her friend - the Huggies baby.

While there's something a bit "Girl with Pearl Earring" about this, I swear to you the hat is cute in person. Love this photo because you can sort of see what she's going to look like when she grows up.

Sorry I've been away so long! The holidays, what can I say. Stewart's back at work (bummer) and Helen/I are back to our regularly scheduled programming. We had a wonderful first Christmas together and will share some holiday photos in my next post.

Helen has changed so much in the last month. This weekend, she stood unassisted for a few seconds a couple of times and I wish I could describe the noise she made when she realized what she was doing. It was a hilarious combination of laughing and freaking out all at once. She's all over the floor, crawling after us where ever we go. Once she realized she could follow us, she was much happier, indeed. Changing diapers has become an all out war - her against us. Our baby book says to learn to change her while she's standing up and all I could think was "Really? Huh." Do ya really do that? It sounds impossible. She's just begun copying noises we make, especially when we're reading books. So cute. I'm suspicious that "Nah-nah" is me and am hoping that's NOT her commenting on my age.

If I can figure out how to load some video in the next couple of weeks, I'll treat ya'll to Helen In Action! Stay tuned...


Anonymous said...

Cute!!!!!!!!! Love the hat. Keep the pics coming. I love to see the changes. Happy New Year to all of you and hope to talk to you soon. Jan

Anonymous said...

Great photos! The kids can't stop talking about Helen - and her mommy Heather! Hope to see you all soon!

Anonymous said...

She is a sweetie! I am glad you are enjoying each others company.

Rydley said...

You will learn how to change her while she's standing...and you can always just switch to pulls ups if she's really squirrely!

Tracy said...

So fun! WE enjoyed our visit last weekend! She is super cute and oh so fun to watch. I love the hat!