Sunday, July 18, 2010

Rest of May, June and some of July - SURPRISE!

May wedding in Ames - dance TONIGHT!

Fred & Tom's new backyard - loverly.

First day of summer preschool with bestest friend, Giancarlo
(he, with the Donny Osmond smile).

Helen and Paige, Round One, taffy.

Helen and Paige, Round Two, DQ Dilly Bar.

Families with Children from Asia
2010 Dragon Boat team

Photo Finish - we won (!) and placed 8th overall.


MN Zoo last weekend with our travel group.

(We missed you AGAIN, Texas!)

Averie and Helen, included because H is smiling here...

...but not here with Mary Ellen and Averie, our travel group buddies.
Not sure what that face is about but my guess = hot and tired.