Thursday, January 10, 2008

Milestone, baby!




Sorry, this last one's a bit blurry but I was clicking fast to catch her on tippy-toes. She's been pulling herself up since Sunday - so surprised when we walked into her room to get her up from her nap and she was standing in her crib! Finally had the camera at the ready and captured it. Stewart and I are having such a great time watching Helen cruise through her milestones, ticking them off her list, one after another. A few Christmas photos still coming...


Anonymous said...

OMG! How exciting! I can't believe I haven't gotten my hiney up there to see her yet! Bad friend!! I'm so glad you had a great Christmas and are enjoying your time with Helen! As you can already see, they grow SOOOO fast! She is simply adorable! I STILL can't wait to meet her!
Enjoy! Love ya!

Cheryl said...

OMG! She is so adorable! I'm glad you had a great Christmas, and that you're enjoying your time with Helen. I am sure you can see how how fast they grow. Cherish the moment! I know it sounds so cliche, but trust me, it's NOT!
Love and miss you tons! And hope to meet up with you some time soon!

Anonymous said...

Congrats to Helen! WOO HOO!

Anonymous said...

She'll be running in no time!!!!! When you catch them "in the act" it's pretty fun. She looks really strong. Keep the pics coming. Come down to work with her during SESSION!!! It's almost here. Keep it up Helen, you're doing great. Cute! Jan

mamato3 said...

Way to go Helen! The fun is just beginning. There is so much more to explore!

Dennis Cass said...

It's been a while since I have visited and I see you have ratcheted up the cuteness factor. Clearly you are not practicing sustainability at your house. At this rate she will be too cute to look at in six weeks!