Thursday, October 05, 2006

Babies, babies, babies! Everywhere babies!

I was so excited when Tracy emailed me from China saying that it would be ok if I met her at the airport. She and some other friends were returning with their daughters a few weeks ago, and Stew and I had been faithfully following their trips via their blogs and webpages. I jumped at the chance to meet them - too bad the main road to the airport was closed that day and I missed them coming through customs! Dang.
(A heartfelt sorry shoutout to my bff, Cher, for all the crazy driving and loud cursing I did trying to make it to the airport on time. Sorry, Sugar. :)
My other bff, Lisa S, met us there and took this photo of me with Tracy and her awesome kidlet, Muriel. Behold the cuteness! That face, her thumb, the cheeks, those toes - oh my! I can barely look at this photo straight on. No, not because of my double chin - it's the sheer beauty of this child. There were other beautiful children that day at the airport, to be sure (Lilly, Emmy, Faith - yeah, I'm talking about you)! This particular photo turned out so well I just had to share it.
Lisa had arrived at the airport before Cher and I were able to (see above, road construction) and kept us posted while I juked and jived around S Minneapolis trying to find an alternative route. Etched in my memory: the moment I realized I'd exited at the CHARTER terminal instead of the INTERNATIONAL terminal (ARGH!!! Why can't I ever remember if the international terminal is the Humphrey or the Lindberg Terminal? Why?) just as Lisa called to tell us she'd overheard someone say "HERE THEY COME!!!"
***Always with the drama! It occurs to me now and then, and I can't be the only one on this...but maybe, just maybe, a lot of drama in many arenas of my life could be averted if I'd only leave my house 20 minutes earlier then I think I should. I don't know that for sure but I have my suspicions.***
Anyhoo, it was a real happy/sad to be there. The love and happiness of these new families, with their friends and loved ones, was an amazing thing to be a part of and I thank them for letting me share those precious moments. The children, all girls in this group, were amazing to behold. Really unforgettable. And yet, our house is empty with no end to this wait in sight so my joy was tempered by my sadness for Stew and me. The waiting continues.
Two nights ago, bff Lisa called to tell us that her mother AND her mother-in-law (Hey Norma and Sharon, You guys rock!) BOTH had a dream, on the SAME night mind you, that Stew and I were united with our daughter sooner then expected. Perhaps we've got some seriously good mojo working right now, suddenly?! I'm not saying, I'm just saying. So, though I've been hearing nothing but terrible rumors related to the wait for the past week or so, I will hang onto that dream as if I'd had it myself and it was a direct message from on high.

Also, thanks to you guys! You all are so lovely to keep track of us here on our blog and leaving your funny, sweet, loving, supportive comments. It certainly helps to know our loved ones are pulling for us - keep those good vibes coming!

P.S. Stew and I started our Mandarin class this week, so Ni Hao! (Pronounced - "nee how" and means "Hello!")
P.P.S. Cher, I posted a photo! WOO HOO!