Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fall images

Showing H how to hold the oats in her hand for the goat to nibble.

That's corn, folks!

After all that, washing up is a must.

Averie helping Helen with her shoe.

It's so hard to choose.

This one feels right.

Aliyah, Mary Ellen, Helen, Averie and pumpkins as far as the eye could see.

Close up of our girls - home one year with big sis, Aliyah.

Someone conveniently rolled all the good pumpkins to the side of the patch - nice!

Riding along with some of our choices.

Only interested in sitting NEAR the leaves, not so much jumping in them.

Not much of a tummy there, lady.

Hauling her pumpkin up the steps to sit it next to Dad's and Mom's.

Helen wouldn't put her coat on but she allowed these two layers - go figure.
For the record, that's a scratch, not a pick...THIS time.

Putting away the garden hose for the colder weather.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


One year ago today, we held our precious daughter in our arms for the very first time....


Happy tears.

I love this photo - what a sweetie.

Later that day back at the hotel, our first smile.

Daddy's girl, pretty much from Day One.

Like I said...!

Here's a little dance to celebrate our Family Day!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

A week in the life...

Earlier today - it's chilly out there, people.

Whaddaya think, these, although they're doing an Andy Warhol thing to my hair?

...or these?

...or BOTH?

Hey Jennifer Beals, I just loved you in Flashdance!

It can't be all smiles all the time.

(FYI: Dad put down the camera and helped her right away!)

This is what H does now when we say, "Smile!" - oh dear.

Halloween photo-op from last weekend.

Autumnal photo-op.

Friday, October 3, one year ago, Stewart and I boarded a plane to China. Can you believe that? It's been a whole year. We really had no idea what was in store for us and neither did Helen. We were delighted and excited beyond belief but she had no clue what was about to happen on October 8, 2007. She woke up that day and one of her nannies dressed her in a new pink outfit and onto the bus she went. Five or so hours later, she was put in our arms. It was the most wonderful day of our lives, no doubt. For Helen, one of the scariest, I'm sure. Here we are, the three of us, 12 months later. We love each other beyond compare. We can hardly comprehend the wisdom of complete strangers so very far away in Beijing having the good sense to paperclip our photos to Miss Helen's photos. In that moment, three people were bound together forever, a family was made and a love affair began.