Saturday, July 28, 2007

Packages En Route

Apparently, multiple packages left Beijing yesterday and are headed to agencies! Not 100% sure yet if those packages contain referrals but it's looking good. If it turns out to be referrals and if it turns out that we're included, we could get THE CALL as soon as Tuesday! I know that's a couple of pretty big "if's" but like I said, it's looking good so we're going with it at our house. What the heck?!

When I imagined this moment, I figured we'd be COMPLETELY freaking out but we're not completely freaking out. We're just really, really happy.
It's been such a long haul and WE ARE READY!

Bring on that babe!

(fingers and toes crossed, please)


Terri said...

As I wait for my turn, I am living through you folks right now. You have waited soooo long. Come on baby! I am going to call Aunt Gayle & give her a heads up!

Anonymous said...

We are all ready to help you welcome your daughter to MN! Oh, I can't wait to see her shining eyes and smiling face!

Anonymous said...

Praying you get that call TODAY!!! Or at least very soon!!! Can't wait! Wish i could be there to hug you when you do! But i'll be there soon!!!
Miss ya! Love ya!