Wednesday, June 06, 2007

New batch of referrals

It looks like November 7th may be the cut-off this time, but I'm waiting for final confirmation on that info. If that's the case, it would mean a pretty small batch of referrals. We'd heard a few weeks ago there was a chance this batch would be huge compared to what we've seen recently.

Yeah, not so much with the huge batch.
That's why they're called rumors? Right.

I didn't completely get on the roller coaster when the rumor about a big batch surfaced but a person does have to at least entertain the idea otherwise you wouldn't know you should get on with picking out a color to paint the nursery. The only word I can think of to describe what's happening right now is excruciating.
So close, yet so (expletive) far.

Everyone keep fingers and toes crossed November 8-10 are included this time and we just don't know it yet.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my awesome, hilarious, smart and handsome husband! XOXO


Terri said...

I am sorry, I know this is tough. Novemeber is such a huge month. PS I am still waiting for you to register.

Terri said...

Before I forget, if you go to my blog, you will see a photo of your Aunt Gayle (my mom's sister) as the maid of honor in my mom's wedding. And...Happy birthday to your honey!

Anonymous said...

I was SO HOPING that they would match more days. But then again, looking at the previous 2 batches, 6 days is an improvement - (how sad is that??) I know when I was this close, each month around the 5th or 7th of the month we'd hear some wonderful rumor about a huge number of days being matched, and the closer we'd get to the actual referrals, the days got scaled back. I know I got LUCKY with my referral - I was 17 days away and somehow made it that month. Thinking of you guys all the time! Annette

Anonymous said...

Happy BDay to Stew!
Always thinking of you Heath. I still have my fingers and toes ( -might I add that they look quite nice after our outing!)crossed that 11/8-11/11 are included. You are getting close and it is a good time to pick out the perfect color for the nursery! :-)
We love you!