Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Taking all tips and advice

Been adding to my list of things we need for the baby and was hoping to tap into your experiences and expertise. If there's any baby gear you can't/couldn't live without, books you or your kids loved, brands of things you found were your favorites, please share.
I'd love to hear any and all tips.


Anonymous said...

Okay Heather, I've been thinking about it and here is my list. (long as it is!) Annette

LOVE my Britax carseat!

Target (online only) has a 7 oz Foogo stainless steel sippy cup that keeps milk cold for 6 hours. (Plus no pesky chemicals seeping out of the plastic...not that we don't use those too) They also have a thermos style food storage device & a larger bottle with a straw that I have not tried that look intersting.

Bumpkins bibs are a must! Waterproof, lightweight, flexible, easily portable and handwashable with some dish soap for quick reuse at the next meal. Come in a variety of fun patterns and sizes.

Small Gladware plastic containers. Cheaper then what is sold in the baby section at Target, reusable, but cheap enough you don't care if you lose them. Perfect for taking food to daycare and keeping snacks in the diaperbag.

If you want to introduce some type of security blanket/toy of some kind, be sure to have 2 of them - and use them both from the beginning so they are equally worn/loved on. Usually does not work to introduce a new one at a later date as they can tell the difference.

Use inexpensive diapers during the day. Costco, Walgreens, Target, Aldies, Luvs all work great. At approx. 14 months when she starts holding her bladder longer, you will need to start using a diaper a size up at night. (You'll know when you have a couple leakage/seepages in the morning) Meaning, if she wears a 3 during the day, put a 4 on her at night - instead of buying the more expensive "nighttime" diapers. I've also started putting her in pampers or huggies at night vs. the off-brands as they do seem to hold more "liquid" without leaking.

Have some "quick" no time to cook items in the fridge & freezer for when you get home later then usual and have a baby who wants to eat "now". Frozen peas are a hit and are eaten right out of the bag. (also great for relieving teething pain) Frozen meatballs (or veggie ones) heat up quick too. String cheese is a fast snack, applesauce and yogurt too. I found purchasing the prepackged smaller containers of fruit & yogurt got to be too expensive for me, so I buy a large jar and fill one of my Gladware containers and it's worked great. (Others may think that is too much work, so do what works for you) If you do this with yogurt, don't dish out the yogurt with the spoon you fed her with - some enzyme will liquify the yogurt

I keep fresh grapes, pears and apples all the time and I can just cut off a section to give to her & wrap up the rest. Heck, you can buy fruit it in the can too - just watch out for the "heavy syrup"

I also steam up a large batch of carrots. Takes no more time then doing a few and they store in the fridge. Again, she usually will eat them cold, right out of the fridge.

Fresh bananas - cut a section of the banana off while still unpeeled... that way you can store the section not eaten, and only the one small exposed section gets brown.

I make a large batch of veggie chili or spagehetti sauce and will freeze it into smaller serving containers so I can also quick defrost something if I need it.

Barilla has a wheat blend pasta line that is yummy - and my girl LOVES brown rice which is better for her then white rice

All healthy, fast things you can give her right now! (plus of course for some of them, she will need teeth)

Have some jars of baby food at home before you go to China - you will need something fast that takes no effort when you are sleep deprived. On that same line, have some frozen food in your freezer for you and Stew too!

I don't personally have one, but check out the Mia Mode Cielo stroller. I read about it on the baby toolkit blog and it looks very cool. Lightweight, tough and folds to a very small size.

Probably much more then you were looking for, but there you go!

Anonymous said...

Late to add this, but here is an adendum to my previous post. If you buy the Foogoo sippy cup, be sure that the valve inside is totally in (it clicks)- that keeps the spillage down.

If you do a plastic sippy cup (and I doo that too!) Playtex Sipsters are teh BEST at not leaking.

The Target Brand diapers in a size up have worked great at night!
