Friday, June 22, 2007

As it stands right now - the update

I haven't talked about this for awhile so I think it's time again:

We will most likely get THEE CALL around the beginning of the month in either July, August or September. July best case, August more likely, or September also likely.

If we know ahead of time that we'll be included in a batch of referrals, which we might, we'll take the day off and sit by the phone at home. If we don't know ahead of time, I'll get the call at work and then attempt to calmly/safely drive home. When Stew gets there...Dance Party 2007!

I'm considering setting up our video camera so that when we get the call, we'll have the experience recorded. It occurs to me that the little peanut might like to see that moment - how happy and emotional it all was.


Rydley said...

Sounds like a good plan to me. We were at work until I saw the first referral come in on the Yahoo group and then we both were home to get the call, about an hour later. We gave them my cell phone as the preferred number so they couldn't miss us and then I just put us on speaker. Videotaping is a good idea. Ours would have been interesting as I literally forgot the alphabet. Do you have a sheet with questions ready? Helped us.

Anonymous said...

How fun. Definitely set up the camera! You should keep the list of questions at work, in your car and at home!

Anonymous said...

Set up the camera - I didn't and regret it! Annette

Anonymous said...

Get the camera set up! Not only will little peanut want to see it, but I will too!!!!!!!
Yahoo Mt. Dew!