Friday, July 25, 2008

They grow up so fast, don't they?

Remember this Red Couch photo?
Helen, Averie, Grace, Zoe (our Texas Twins, I apologize if I've got them turned around!), and Mary Ellen - October 2007

Remember this Brown Couch photo?

Helen, Averie, and Mary Ellen - April 2008

NEW! Blue Couch photo!
Mary Ellen, Averie and Helen - July 2008
They've grown up so much, oh my!
(Goes without saying, of course...we missed you, Texas!)

The porch is a cool place to play on a hot day.

Sending mommy and daddy a chip clip in the mail.

I'm telling you, the girl is going to be a yogini.
Downward Dog is still her favorite pose.
We're cramming it in, like we always do, during the summer months. That's what we all do here in the Midwest. As soon as it gets warm enough to wear shorts, you can expect your calendar to start filling up. Everyone goes and does June through September. Then we all go back inside and you won't see us again until next June. Minus our great Texas friends, our China travel group got together in Red Wing a couple of weekends ago. We feel so lucky to have connected with such a great group of people. How the girls have changed! Everyone is walking and some are even running. Helen's not running, yet - thankfully, but her latest is walking backward. It all started when we showed her how to back-up to her little kid chair to sit in it. Since then, she's been walking backward almost as much as forward. It's hilarious, I gotta say. The downside? It's just not that easy to spy obstacles when you're in reverse. Ask anyone who's run into their mailbox as they're backing out of the garage, for example. Not that I've ever done that.


Tracy said...

Helen honey, it's cooler in the air conditioning, not the porch. Make your daddy turn the temp's a steam bath here. Like the pony!

Your buddy Muriel

mamato3 said...

We love the new pictures. You got the red couch photo right. It sounds like everyone had a blast. Wish we could have been there!

Miss you guys,

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. God. Who knew this internet thing was flexible enough to accomodate pictures and musings from individual families?! It is a never-ending miracle and source of constant mystery.

I assume you and Helen have been enjoying the summer to its fullest since I last saw you at the neighborhood fish fry.

Nice to see all are doing well!

--rick g.