Friday, August 10, 2007


We received a couple of additional photos and I'm not sure what to do with myself when I look at that face. We're just about ready to post her full name we've chosen but we're still discussing middle name options. Soon, very soon.
In the report we received from the orphanage, they said she "is very full of life" and has "a very good personality". She is "lively, energetic, and loves to smile. She likes to play with other children and to play outside." Perhaps we've got another triathlete in the family? She can sit alone and hold her bottle by herself, and stand with support.

We're turning in our acceptance paperwork on Monday. Our agency will then begin working on setting up all of our appointments in China. Once those are set, we'll know when we need to leave. The usual time frame is 6-8 weeks after referral.
Stew and I have received SO many kind emails, calls, and comments from friends and family. We're overwhelmed with JOY! WOO HOO!
Is she the cutest, or is it just me?


mamato3 said...

She is a cutie!!!

Terri said...

You are 100% right. She is the cutest baby! And, she is healthy and strong, sitting and standing. Praise God! Did they tell you which province she came from?

Rydley said...

Oh, you just want to give her a giant hug! Yes, the cutest!

Snugglebug Mama said...

If you're like me, you've printed those pictures out in color and carry them with you everywhere you go! So darn cute - congrads again!

Anonymous said...

she looks so cute!!
i can't wait to see more picures!!

abby kopriva

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! So ready to welcome her home! :-)

Anonymous said...

I can't stop looking at her! She is so cute ... I can't wait to meet her, hear her laugh and see her smile!

Anonymous said...

It goes w/o saying that she's adorable! :) What i want to know is...did you get the scoop on whether she is a "SOUND SLEEPER"??? Hah! Sounds like she's happy and healthy and we can't wait to meet her!