Friday, August 03, 2007

DHL where ARE you?

Our agency was closed yesterday for the day and they haven't received their DHL delivery today. I spoke to them earlier and they were very nice but said they're not expecting anything until MONDAY now.
However, it is my belief that the DHL trucks are being delayed in the area of our agency because it is located so close to the bridge collapse (not to mention the fact that Laura Bush is here visiting the site) and getting packages to where they need to be must be quite a hairy ordeal for DHL. That, or the driver is eating his sandwich right now (hey, a guy's gotta eat!).
Hope is in the air as long as there is still someone at our agency on a beautiful Friday afternoon.

I can't imagine having to wait for two more days!
In a word, torture.

Our SW just called and confirmed that the agency is open until 5:00 and
encouraged me to give it up for today.
I will not give it up until after 5:00.
(Do you think our peanut will grow up to be as stubborn as her mom?)

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