Tuesday, August 25, 2009

July looked like THIS...

Dragonboat Festival at Lake Phalen, St. Paul, MN
FCC (Families with Children from China) Dragonboat Team.
Stew and I are middle right.

Oar Salute to our fans on shore as we head out to the start point.
Stew is third rower from rear closest to camera.
I'm fourth rower from the front on the other side.

Good start - everyone is pretty much together.
Not bad for one morning of practice!

6th out of 26 - woo hoo!

The Pokorny Family visits our beautiful city.
We missed you, Grandpa and Zach!

Aunt Mary took this cute shot of Helen at Sommerfest outside Orchestra Hall on the plaza.

We'd all just gotten off the trolley that runs between Lakes Harriet and Calhoun. It was a beautiful sunny day, oh and past naptime, perhaps. Hence, the scowl.

Children's Home Society Annual China Reunion
Getting ready to Pin the Tail on the (Year of the) Ox.

Perhaps you remember Molly (in town for the reunion)?
She was our lifeline in China.

Super deluxe double-slide action, zoom!

Hanging around the playground.

1 comment:

Terri said...

What a fun and busy month of July. Rowing in that dragon boat must have been a blast!