Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Holidays Every One

Current favorite: Green Eggs and Ham.

"I would not like them here or there! I would not like them anywhere!"

"Try them, try them and you may. Try them and you may, I say."

Fresh from the tub sporting her fancy new robe.

Warming up to Santa by approaching Blitzen first.

Hurray, success = first time on Santa's lap and no crying!
(I'm pretty sure Helen is telling Santa she'd appreciate it if he'd put a bit more effort into his outfit next year.)

We are so thankful for the roof over our heads, the clothes on our backs, the food on our table, Stew's steady job, our sense(s) of humor, our good health, our dear friends and family - that means you, each other, and most of all - our precious Helen.
How lucky we are!

Our best to you and yours!


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!

mamato3 said...

Merry Christmas! Until I read your comment about Santa's outfit, I was thinking that's just the way they do it in MN!

lori hermstad said...

Hi Heather,
I LOVE all the pictures and seeing how Helen has grown. She is beautiful and such a blessing! I love listening to her new milestones. You are a wonderful mother!! Thank you for adding Alex's story. It meant so much! Thank you for thinking of us! All our love. Big Hugs from Iowa!!!

Anonymous said...

Aunt Barb loves your new robe
on you. You look beautiful.
We enjoyed your visit to Iowa
but it was too short! I was very
moved by Alex's story & I will
e-mail it to a couple friends.
Love & kisses,
Aunt Barb