Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Helen Clapping - April 2008

At our house, April has been a big month. Today at lunch, Helen finally got her hands turned around and going the right way. I'm SO excited for her, as you can hear in the video - she was pretty happy, too. Way to go, tiny sister!


Cheryl said...

Yo dawg - check it out - can I just say - Wow! She's making landmarks all over the place, mama! Good for her! SHe looks GREAT, Heath, so happy and healthy. Way to go. Her parents ROCK!!!!!!!!!!
PS - soooo loved the American Idol tribute a few weeks ago! You guys are histerical! Who is your fave? I still love Jason Castro, even tho I know he won't win. I want Carly to win! Or David Cook. My two faves.
Miss and love -

mamato3 said...

You go girl! We're so proud of you.
