Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A few for the Aunts

This one is for Aunt Barb - brush, brush, brush. You'd be SO proud.

A fresh, clean feeling - fabulous!

This one is for Aunt Missy - looking good in your cute outfit.

A snack trap for the car is a beautiful thing, especially if it's clipped on and I don't have to search for it on the floor behind my seat while I'm trying to drive...safely, while watching the road and other drivers, and obeying all traffic signals.


Snugglebug Mama said...

So what are you clipping that snack trap to? I need one of those - I know EXACTLY what you mean about trying to find one on the floor whie drivig!

Anonymous said...

Dude, thanks for the birfday card. I sent you email recounting the visit from Colleen and THE WEIRD CHICK. Too much to get into here.

Le Watermelon has the best smile ever.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Helen looks so big! It is amazing how much older they look when they are standing up. It was so great to see her the other day - I can't believe how much she has grown! Can't wait to see you both again! :-) - Lysa

Cheryl said...

Why do they come up with all this extremely cool stuff AFTER my kids are long grown?? I should have been more patient, huh?! Wow - brilliant! Glad that little cup will keep you safe on the road, dear!! Helen is too cute for words! (just like her mom AND dad!)
Miss and Love!! MIss and love!!