Tuesday, April 29, 2008


BEFORE - slightly worried...

Although Helen's stylist in San Francisco, her friend Matt, recently recommended no changes - her 'do was getting so shaggy, I had to do a tiny little something. The lady was real nice but Helen was right to be skeptical. She didn't do a very good job. Thank goodness, you can't see the back in this cutie-pie AFTER pix. I fixed it myself this morning with the help of the Teletubbies and Lisa's Bumbo seat.


She did it once for Stew and once for me and that was that. Not a shuffle since, but lots of standing up and looking ready to take off!

Helen, the yogini. What do you think of her Downward Dog?

Feeling good, looking good.

This sweater is the very first thing Stew bought for Helen at least a year, if not longer, before we even knew about her. Helen's Chinese middle name is "Zi", which means Royal Purple. Coincidence?

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A few for the Aunts

This one is for Aunt Barb - brush, brush, brush. You'd be SO proud.

A fresh, clean feeling - fabulous!

This one is for Aunt Missy - looking good in your cute outfit.

A snack trap for the car is a beautiful thing, especially if it's clipped on and I don't have to search for it on the floor behind my seat while I'm trying to drive...safely, while watching the road and other drivers, and obeying all traffic signals.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Helen Clapping - April 2008

At our house, April has been a big month. Today at lunch, Helen finally got her hands turned around and going the right way. I'm SO excited for her, as you can hear in the video - she was pretty happy, too. Way to go, tiny sister!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Helen Standing - April 2008

We've been having just a terrible time trying to load video to the blog all week but today...SUCCESS!

Here she is in action, complete with drool. The six teeth coming in has turned into EIGHT. Can you believe that? The poor dear and with a cold, to boot. Still, she has been an absolute trooper though it all. Yesterday, she tried to take a step - leaned her upper body forward but the lower portion was not along for the ride. BOOM...header on the hardwood floor. I was right there but when your head is 1/3 of your body and 1/2 your body weight, that thing hits the floor in a nanosecond, no? Yes. We're sure any day now, the lower body will get in gear, locomote forward with the upper body, and she'll be off!

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

China Travel Group Reunion

Helen's got SIX teeth coming in at once, so it's been kind of rough at our house as of late. But...we were able to get together this weekend with two of the three families from our China travel group. Our fourth family lives in Texas but we've been able to keep in-touch over the phone. All the girls are doing just great (Grace and Zoe, our Texas Twins, included!), as you can see in these photos:

Mary Ellen, Helen (standing on her own - woo hoo!) and Averie.

Helen showing her O.C.D. tendencies, picking up every minuscule bit and showing it to whomever will look - in this case, Mary Ellen.

Standing AND clapping at the same time = an Advanced Move.

Red Couch photo while in China, October 2007 - sort of the "Before" photo, for comparison purposes.
(Helen - 10 months, Averie - 9 months, Twins - Grace and Zoe - 11 months, and Mary Ellen - 8 months)

Leather Couch photo, April 2008 - the "After" photo!
(Helen - 16 months, Averie - 15 months and Mary Ellen - 14 months)

The girls with Averie's big sister, Aliya.

We had a grand time at the Johnson's, catching up, playing, watching what the girls are up to now, going for a stroller walk to enjoy the beautiful day, sharing a great meal and taking updated photos of our group. We missed you, Texas! Maybe next time?! I heard the weather today and it's in the 80's where you are and in the 30's here, so perhaps we should come to you...now...today...? It was great to see everyone and spend time with dear friends with whom we've shared an amazing adventure.

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I was planning on posting about adoption parenting, attachment and how Helen is doing - but honestly, I haven't had time to sit down and sort through/organize my thoughts. It's so huge, not to mention such a personal topic - I haven't decided how best to even approach it yet. Hope to at least start typing up some thoughts soon. I'll keep the photos coming 'cuz I know that's what y'all want anyway, right!