Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Hey Ya Highchair

Did you think I dropped off the radar? Probably, right? I feel like I kind of have. Winter drags on, sleep issues abound for all of us, and it seems like so much around the house and on my to-do list never gets crossed off. Not exactly a revelation, I know, but where does the day, the week, the month go?! Uh, anyway.

I was poking around the iPod looking for some new dance party music the other day and rediscovered Hey Ya, by Outkast (2003). Here's a little taste of the fun we've been having with it. If you haven't heard it in awhile, it doesn't exactly hold up upon first listening. HOWEVER - after a time or two, I guarantee, you'll come around.
Gimme some sugar, I am your neighbor - HA!

shake it like a Polaroid picture

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