Monday, March 23, 2009

Sweet dreams

First ever - pig tails.

She's got that grip down really well - it's so sad!

All those wearing their coats backwards may sit right here next to me.

There is a downside to wearing your hood in front when you're swinging.

Helen's super interested in naming her body parts in a very detailed way. So it's not just tummy, foot and ears. It's palm, wrist, ankle, eyebrow, nails, etc. Every day when I put her down for her nap, I rub her tummy as she lays in her crib and we discuss what she's going to dream about. Today, it went something like this:
Me: What good things are you going to dream about?
H: Babies, swing, teeter-totter (her usual list)
Me: What else?
H: Mama, Dada, aHa-Ha (Helen)
Me: That sounds like a really good dream. What else?
H: (raises up her arm and points) ARM PIT!
Me: Arm pit?! Oh dear! Anything else?!
H: (raises up the other arm and points) ARM PIT!
Me: Sounds like you've got your pits covered. Anything else you wanna add to the list?
H: (raises up one of her knees and grabs it from behind) KNEE PIT!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Super Ouch

This week, I was going to post a photo of Helen in an outfit from Aunt Missy. However, it's in the wash now with blood all over it. Yeah. (60+ degrees today, can you believe it? Spring has perhaps sprung and we're so relieved. It was a bleak, snowy, bitterly cold winter, even for MN. Good riddance Snow Miser. Hello Heat Miser, my dear friend. ) Ok, back to the blood. I pulled the car into the garage, got H out of her seat and put her down outside with instructions to head for the door. I turned back to the car to get my diaper bag and as I walked from the garage toward the house, I saw that Helen had wandered into the yard. No big deal, right? Huge sheet of ice where the sun doesn't reach this time of year...she was UP and then she was DOWN. Full-on belly flop, feet up behind her, face planted, bloody nose, crying. No loose teeth but a puffy upper lip and maybe a bruise across her nose - we'll see. The positive spin on this is, if there can be one, she was being adventuresome. For a kid who can be supremely wary, this is progress. Her interest in checking out the spot where we hang the swing was so powerful - more powerful than anything else. So even though it ended with her getting hurt, she's ok and it's good to see her acting like a kid. So that's why there's no picture today of Helen in her cute outfit (will try again another day), but here's a picture of the scene of the accident. Super ouch.

64 degrees, Monday, March 15, 2009

Wait, just a minute - found some cute pix from a couple of weeks ago. Thanks for the dress, Aunt Mary! She loves these rain boots from Paige so much, she wears them around the house.

Is there a future in runway?

Seacrest, out!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Hey Ya Highchair

Did you think I dropped off the radar? Probably, right? I feel like I kind of have. Winter drags on, sleep issues abound for all of us, and it seems like so much around the house and on my to-do list never gets crossed off. Not exactly a revelation, I know, but where does the day, the week, the month go?! Uh, anyway.

I was poking around the iPod looking for some new dance party music the other day and rediscovered Hey Ya, by Outkast (2003). Here's a little taste of the fun we've been having with it. If you haven't heard it in awhile, it doesn't exactly hold up upon first listening. HOWEVER - after a time or two, I guarantee, you'll come around.
Gimme some sugar, I am your neighbor - HA!

shake it like a Polaroid picture