Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fall images

Showing H how to hold the oats in her hand for the goat to nibble.

That's corn, folks!

After all that, washing up is a must.

Averie helping Helen with her shoe.

It's so hard to choose.

This one feels right.

Aliyah, Mary Ellen, Helen, Averie and pumpkins as far as the eye could see.

Close up of our girls - home one year with big sis, Aliyah.

Someone conveniently rolled all the good pumpkins to the side of the patch - nice!

Riding along with some of our choices.

Only interested in sitting NEAR the leaves, not so much jumping in them.

Not much of a tummy there, lady.

Hauling her pumpkin up the steps to sit it next to Dad's and Mom's.

Helen wouldn't put her coat on but she allowed these two layers - go figure.
For the record, that's a scratch, not a pick...THIS time.

Putting away the garden hose for the colder weather.


Anonymous said...

Awesome - her 2nd fall at home! How great! Boy, pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins! I totally look forward to new pictures - I check almost every day! Helen looks so big (wow, did you think you would ever hear that?)! I can't wait to see all of you soon!


Anonymous said...

Awesome - her 2nd fall at home! How great! Boy, pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins! I totally look forward to new pictures - I check almost every day! Helen looks so big (wow, did you think you would ever hear that?)! I can't wait to see all of you soon!


Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys sure had a fun day at the pumpkin patch!!! I miss those days! Anna is trick or treating tonight as Laura Ingalls. Is H wearing a costume? Sure do miss you guys! Hope to see you soon! Happy fall!!!