Friday, February 16, 2007

The Scientist

I guess the CCAA often times sends out a "surprise" small batch of referrals before they all take off for a few weeks to celebrate Chinese New Year. They would've mailed them out by now because Sunday is New Year's. Someone, somewhere in the world, would know they were mailed and the Chinese adoption web community would be abuzz. As I search around the web for rumors to this effect, I can practically hear the crickets chirping so, you know, this year...not so much with the "surprise" referrals. Um... what's up with that? In a word - discouraging. Brings to mind the lyrics of a Coldplay song. Do you know the one I mean?
(For those of you who don't follow pop music, Coldplay's lead singer , Chris Martin, is married to Gwyneth Paltrow. Apple? Moses? Do you know who I mean now? Yeah, they're a bunch of sad-sacks but I'm a sad sack at heart, so I heart them.)
Ok, so anyway - here's the lyric straight from their website:

Nobody said it was easy
No one ever said that it would be this hard
Oh take me back to the start


Anonymous said...

Good lord, let's not go back to the start...we are so close to the finish! Dear child in china...your mama and baba are waiting for you! Reveal yourself soon!

Anonymous said...

May is almost here. Can we pick a shower date now?