Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Please ignore that loud banging noise you hear, it's just me knocking my head against the wall...

Now you've all been introduced to the ups and downs of this process - the rollercoaster...the journey, as we like to call it. Seems the rumors we were hearing oh so long ago - 6 days - have proven to be not exactly false but not exactly true, either. Won't tire you with the details but just know that these encouraging/good rumors are usually followed by equally discouraging/bad rumors a few days later and the cycle repeats every month or so.
Bottom line: we thoroughly enjoyed the few days we thought we might see our referral in four months time! We're back to square one now, so pretend that last post from 7/12 never happened, ok?


Anonymous said...

Heather and Stew, this is Norma, we are thinking of you and keeping up on your good and bad news via Lisa.
Hope you get news soon that will lift your spirits. Love, Norma J

Anonymous said...

Knocking, was there knocking out there? I was too distracted by the sound of my own head against the wall! Thinking of you two...hope your trip to Iowa was good! Muriel's Mom