...makes the best of a cold snowy day...
...models a super cute fleece hat making craft at FCC Chinese New Year...
...visits the Midtown Global Market for Wee Wednesday events...
...hangs with BFF Lily...
...and mugs for mom's cellphone camera!
7:30 am Wakes up, I go in her room to open the shades, say "good morning" - that kind of thing.
Says, "I wanted Daddy to come get me."
8:00 am Asks "Where are we going today?" I tell her, replies "That sounds like a good plan."
10:00 am Playground or open gym, screams "Don't look at me KID!!!!!" at every kid who looks in her direction.
12:00 am I bonk my elbow on the car door, gives me a tight hug to "heal" me.
12:30 pm Picks her nose and wipes the booger on my shirt.
12:45 pm Steals my napkin and throws it on the floor. Eats all of my Mandarin orange slices.
1:30 pm Snuggles in the comfy chair with me for books before naptime, LOTS of kisses. I pretend I'm chomping on her neck, says "Why am I SO delicious?!"
3:30 pm Everytime I say "she", yells "HE!!!".
Everytime I say "her", yells "HIM!!!
Everytime I say "Helen", yells "I'm not Helen, I'm Quincy (or Pablo, or Annie, or...)!!!"
4:30 pm Says "You are my heart, my life, Mommy"
5:00 - 7:15 pm Yells "HE!!!", "HIM!!!", and "I'm not Helen!!!" some more. Refuses to eat dinner.
7:30 pm Jumps around on her bed and giggles before getting changed into jammies, having "Naked Time!!!"
8:00 pm Family group hug with various stuffed animals, says "Thanks for a nice day, Mommy."
It's a pretty wonderful, hilariously aggrivating, awesome way to spend the day. I feel so blessed every minute of the time we spend together - even when I'm answering "WHY?" for the 100th time or wiping boogers off my shirt. Thank you, Helen, for a nice day.