Thursday, May 28, 2009

A little April, a little May and a little last night

Our travel group hanging at the Johnson's - MaryEllen, Averie and Helen.
As always, we missed you Texas!

The latest couch photo - Aliyah, MaryEllen, Averie, Helen.
Can you believe how big they're getting?!

For comparison, this was taken last October.
Check here for older group pix.

Girl's got mad climbing skills.

Like her mom, H prefers a cookie to be as big as her head.

MN Zoo, Africa after-hours event.
To say the least, these two kinda like each other.

Wee, wee, wee...all the way HOOOME!
(captured last night)

Friday, May 01, 2009

Iowa, where the tall corn grows

A show of hands, who loves Okoboji?!

We've been Skype-ing with Aunt Missy lately.
Super fun!

Playing outside at Aunt Missy's.
Strawberry Shortcake necklace, complements of the Easter Bunny.

Honestly, Helen had no chance when it came to any Reeses related candy.
A weakness, an obsession of mine. Poor kid!

Practicing "gentle touch" with the cute farm kitties.

A beautiful day... get together...

...on the Pokorny Family farm.